Breath of Joy
A K-5 Mindful Breathing Practice
Materials: None
Set Up: Ensure students have enough room to extend their arms without touching one another.
This is a great movement to wake up your body!
First you take three breaths in and then you take one long breath out.
Begin by standing in mountain pose.
As you breathe in, bring your arms out in front of you so that they are parallel to the floor.
Without breathing out, breathe in again as you swing your arms down in front of you and
then out to your sides.
Breathe in for a third time as you swing your arms up over your head. Wonderful.
Now breathe out as you bend at the hips into a standing forward fold.
Gently return to mountain pose. Check in with your body to see if you notice any changes.
Repeat several times if desired.
You do not need to read the included script verbatim. Adapt the language so that it is appropriate for your students in particular.
It is not important for students to get this breath practice “exactly right.” Instead, focus on helping them build mind-body awareness each time you practice.
Offer students positive reinforcements throughout each practice. Focus on qualities and behaviors they can control, like their focus, effort, or persistence. Be specific whenever possible. This will help your students develop a “growth mindset.”
This is a great practice to use if students are getting tired. Practicing breath of joy will help them wake up!
Authors: Megan Downey and Anna Basile
Adapted from: Compassionate Schools Project